My Baby, Our Doula, & Me

A Book About Postpartum Doula Support For Sibling & Family Adjustment

“I have a new baby at my house -

I’m a big brother now!

Having a new baby is fun, but it’s a lot of work!”

In this charming book you will follow along as big brother shows us how a postpartum doula helps his family after their new baby is born. Relatable, sweet and realistic, you will be hoping to have a doula help your family, too!

Join Big Brother as he welcomes his new baby home and learns how the Postpartum Doula helps him, his baby, and his family.

With beautiful illustrations, helpful learning opportunities, and space for sharing memories, this book will become a cherished story for the whole family!

What People Are Saying About

My Baby, Our Doula, & Me

"l love this book! As a postpartum doula, I gift it to every pregnant couple I meet with and it practically guarantees they will hire me. It can be hard to describe exactly how much I can help a family as their postpartum doula, but this book makes it easier!"

The Doula Darcy: Darcy Sauers, PCD(DONA), CLC, and Doula Marketing Specialist

Just like a postpartum doula, the magic in this story is how the doula highlights the capability and strength of the family while remaining subtly to the side. Oh, the doula IS there! You can see it in the family’s relaxed manner and enjoyment of their children.

Krista has precisely captured the essence of a postpartum doula’s support with this lovely and tender story. This is the resource every postpartum doula needs to explain their role simply and beautifully to anyone, of any age.

Kim James, BDT(DONA), ICCE, LCCE, CLE, NA-C, Founder of

Kim James, Founder of Doula Match

A lovely book that simply and clearly explains the benefits of having that extra pair of hands in the home after a new baby arrives. As a doula, this is also the perfect gift for me to give a sibling awaiting the arrival of a new baby, and to help educate them on the changes that can happen when a new baby joins the family.

Carolyn Tranter, CD/PCD(DONA, BDT/PDT(DONA), LCCE(Lamaze), CVD(TVL), DONA International Director of Global Development

The Doula Darcy, Darcy Sauers
Carolyn Tranter, DONA International Birth and Postpartum Doula Trainer

Krista’s book is a fantastic gift for expecting parents! Postpartum doulas are a blessing for families with an infant, and My Baby, Our Doula, and Me illustrates this beautifully.

In simple wording and detailed drawings, new parents learn how a postpartum doula can support them. This children's book can be a great marketing tool for doulas to attract new clients!

Marjon Murphy, Author of The Next Level Postpartum Doula - A Comprehensive Guide

Marjon Murphy, Author of The Next Level Postpartum Doula